Prospective Students

▓ Eligibility ▓

First, I would like to thank everyone who reads this. It is always wonderful to hear from passionate pupils/students interested in robotics. However, I receive multiple emails every year from students seeking supervision. To streamline this process for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, I have prepared this guide. I highly recommend reading it carefully before reaching out to me.

In academia, we have certain standards that we expect prospective students to follow, especially for PhD and Postdoctoral positions. This guide aims to reduce the wastage of time for both parties.


Before delving into the specifics, I have a couple of very important criteria that I recommend you double-check. If you meet these qualifications and skill sets, please proceed to the next section. These criteria are:

 Specifically, we create novel robots and explore various fields to push the boundaries of what is possible. Therefore, you  should expect the unexpected, especially in PhD or Postdoctoral studies.  See bellow how robotics and control is vast  👇

-Design, motion planning and control of advanced compliant actuators for robots,
-Geometric shape transforming robotics (origami-based robotics)
-Advanced locomotion mechanisms for mobile robots
-Planning and control for dynamic, nonprehensile, and hybrid manipulation tasks,
-Design and control of agile grasping mechanisms (rolling contact planning),
-Motion planning and design of reconfigurable rolling robots,
-Advanced energy-based control strategies for underactuated robots, 
-Strategies for Human-robot interaction for assistance,

If you have read this far and are confident that you meet the previous prerequisites, proceed to read the more specific details and availability of positions within my team. If you already know what position or availabilities, please refer to "How to Email Me and Selection Process".

Positions and Availabilities


If you've made it this far, it means you're truly committed to contacting me. Here's how to proceed:

Available Called Positions

We typically share our official available positions (please check carefully for fully-funded and self-funded options) on the following platforms: FindAPhD , . If you're self-funded or have external funding/scholarships, please follow the steps outlined below.

Other Funding Options

For those without funding who are seeking opportunities, there are several options:

PhD Studies:


For PostDocs, there are several opportunities to work under my supervision, even if there are no current positions available:

If you meet the above prerequisites and are confident in your qualifications, please proceed to read more specific details about the positions available in my team.

BEng/MSc Students

At Cardiff University, early supervision is not typically available. Therefore, current Cardiff University students should look for proposed projects. If you are genuinely interested, I highly recommend making these projects your first choice. Our projects require students to know mechanics (solid model design), basic control systems, and some coding skills.

Cardiff University does not accept visiting BEng/MSc students for short-term or summer programs.

How to Email Me and Selection Process

It looks like you are determined to pursue research with me! 😂 Ok, here’s how to prepare your first contact email:

Email Subject: 

Format it as "Prospective PhD/PostDoc Student (Expected Year), Scholarship/Funding Type, Research Area Topic, Scholarship Name (if applicable)". "For example, if you are a PhD student expecting to start in 2021 with governmental funding and an interest in underactuated robotics, and applying for the MEXT scholarship, the subject line would be:  "Prospective PhD Student (2021), Governmental Scholarship, Underactuated Robotics, MEXT".

Email Content: 

Your email should include:

Start your email with a brief overview of your studies or work related to robotics or your research area. Explicitly state what you would like to explore or achieve in 2-3 sentences. Keep the email concise, ideally 500-600 words. Keep your email straighforward, and be aware that your chosen topic may not be your final research topic. 

Selection Process: 

We will first review your application and inform you if you are eligible for the next stage. If selected, you will participate in a 10-15 minute online interview with a short presentation. If an online interview is not possible, you may be asked to submit a pre-recorded 5-10 minute video presentation. Based on these evaluations, accepted students will proceed with the application to Cardiff University to receive an official conditional/unconditional offer from me. 

Following this guide will help streamline the application process and ensure your email is considered promptly.